Amsterdam to Fortaleza, Brazil and 9 Days Hotel for 449 EUR!
In this great package holiday deal you fly with KLM directly from Amsterdam to Fortaleza, Brazil, and stay nine days in a beachfront hotel for only 449 EUR!
Package tour
The holiday package deal is offered by TUI in The Netherlands – and includes non-stop KLM flights from Amsterdam to Fortaleza and a nine-day stay in Eco Paradise, located right on the beach in the resort of Cumbuco near Fortaleza.
Eco Paradise is a three-star apartment complex which includes a swimming pool overlooking the palm-fringed sand beach.

The package deal only costs 449 EUR per person. Do note however that the price is calculated on the basis of two persons travelling together, thus it will cost 898 EUR in total for two persons. It is available with departure on 16th April, although other departure dates are available too.
Breakfast is not included in the fare as you stay in self-catering apartments. However, transfers between the airport and hotel are included.
To book, head to the TUI site above. Unfortunately the website is in Dutch only, but it should be easy enough to navigate and book with the help of Google Translate.
Fun fact: If you would book just the Amsterdam-Fortaleza flights directly on KLM it will set you back 629 EUR per person, so this TUI package deal is a significantly better offer for those who want to head to Fortaleza!

Hotel upgrade
If you want, you can also opt for a different apartment complex or full-service hotel for a slight surcharge. Check the TUI website to see what they currently have available in and around Fortaleza.
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