In total, we have visited around 90 countries across the world, along with a few unrecognised states or countries that no longer exist.
The ultimate goal is to create a travel guide for each country we visit and update these guides each time we return and discover new places within those countries. Eventually, we hope to visit every country in the world and write a travel guide for each one of them.
However, it’s important to note that visiting every country in the world is not a goal in itself, as in our opinion, that is a highly flawed approach to travel. Travel shouldn’t just be about “ticking off countries” from your list, as it doesn’t reflect how well you have actually explored a particular place.
To give an example, although you might say you have visited the United States after a weekend trip to New York, it doesn’t mean you have truly experienced the country. The US is such a diverse country with significant cultural and geographical differences between its states that it could take a month just to scratch the surface.
Similarly, many European countries, such as Germany, Italy, or Spain, or Asian nations such as China and India, are highly diverse and have significant regional differences.
Therefore, someone who has “only” been to 50 countries but has taken the time to explore them thoroughly might have far more travel experience than someone who has visited 150 countries but stayed just a day or two in each.

Trip reports